Our Corporate and Foundation Sponsors

A young boy smiling on the back of a white pony with a woman smiling on the left and a girl on the right in the indoor ring at High & Mighty farm

Thank you to our generous supporters​

High & Mighty would not exist without the kindness of our community.

Arica’s Insurance
Burfeind Contracting
Jack Higbee CFP-Morgan Stanley
Janey Fund Charitable Trust
JM McDonald Foundation, Inc.
Kelly A. Morgan Charitable Fund of Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation
S.T. Hudson’s Son, Inc.

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Support High & Mighty by Becoming a Sponsor

Email Dianne Ortmann for more information

A kid wearing a green shirt riding a horse bareback with finger paint on it's back in the trail in the woods at High & Mighty

High & Mighty is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization providing access to equine-assisted services for children and adults of all abilities in Ghent, NY.